FCMA: Further Plains Of Enlightenment

Well it was an interesting session last night. With the final 15 minutes put aside for Amatsa Massage, (Which then ended up going on for 45 minutes). Tis always good to do something different. And numbers are slowly growing, with the new girl still coming along.

Then once again there was the meeting on the plains of enlightenment, beer was opened, words were spoken, and the enlightenment lasted till the early hours of the following morning. The only problem is, I often forget what it was were were discussing for so long, and i’m sure there are things we supposed to be doing that are currently missing from my mind!!

Martial Arts Musings

Well it was another seminar/grading day, they seem to be coming around faster and faster. This one was about two and a half weeks after the last one, which is not really enough time to learn a grade. Well not if you want to actually know what you are doing, and not just try and fake your way through. So I decided to sit out the grading part of the day. I would have missed the whole day, but it was a bagua seminar, so I fancied turning up for that.

So during the grading’s I sat back and watched what was going on, which was interesting since there was someone doing my grade, so it was good to be able to watch. Well would have been if he had actually done the moves as I have been taught, or had seen. It’s a good job I was not grading really, ad I would have had to grade with him, and it would have looked very shabby with us both doing different things.

But, even with doing things in a different way, missing out several parts of the syllabus, he scored a respectable 96%. Which got me thinking, I am still the only person who has ever failed a grading since I started training, I have seen some very shoddy attempts, and some downright abysmal ones where even the basic manners were missing, Yet they all passed. Ok, when I failed it was when my shoulder injury was at its worst, and the only reason I was given was “well you have a bad shoulder”.

Ok, bad shoulder, what did it disrupt? Well out of 23 segments, each one having several parts, I messed up the last part of one of the segments, and that’s it. Yet this guy missed out whole sections and got 96%, it makes no sense…

Ah well, I think I’ve just lost heart with the whole thing, I original joined due to the weapon training, which has now gone, and we are doing more of the sparring, grappling areas, which I have no interest in. Add to that the new syllabus being sparring biased, and the next stage involving fitness tests (if I wanted to do fitness training/tests I would have joined a gym) I am finding I enjoy less and less of the nights. I’ve already dropped down to two nights a week martial arts, one fencing.

I could do with re-finding some enjoyment in it soon:-

Ah well, such is life..

The Long Weekend

Saturday was the wedding of Walesboy and Ammos, so it was a case of getting up, suited and booted, and off to a church in Connah’s Quay, near queensferry. The wedding had some novel extras, like the choir of knights templar’s, and the vicar with the monty pythen comedy limp. It was missing the cute, single, bridesmaids or guests that I believe should be mandatory at any wedding I go to, but otherwise it was a nice ceremony.

Then it was a quick trip to the pub for a couple of pints to waste time till the evening do, Lesson 1: If you go to a very busy bar during a football match where they are cued up several people deep for drinks, and you are wearing a suit you get every barmaid coming over to serve you.

Then there was the evening do, which went along the normal lines. Drink, buffet, dancing, where the dj played a minimum of decent tracks, and did his best to keep the dance floor empty for fire safety reasons. Lesson 2: Wedding dj’s have no taste in music. and so it went on till past the witching hour…
Sunday – after a lie in to recover from the night before, it was time to quickly grab some food, then off to the dojo for a shadow wrestling seminar, then grading day. And I was glad I had stayed off the booze the night before or I would never have passed, it was hard enough with the examiner having a different view of the moves than I had learnt. But I managed to pass, which was good…

After a quick stop off for my niece to show me how she could ride her bike without stabilisers (She had just learnt that morning how to) I went home to relax with a good book, and to watch the film “Cursed”. Interesting film but a bit too predictable.
Well after two lovely hot, sunny days when I was too busy to do anything, I was looking forward to the Monday. But alas it was not to be, it was a day of rain, hailstones, and coldness…

So I gave up on my original plans and went shopping instead, then continued my relaxing with a good book. Well the last month had been a very hectic one, with way too much stuff going on to the point some days were double if not treble booked. I am looking forward to having a rest this week…

Update – without any actual updates

It occurs to me from looking at my last few postings that all I have posted recently is meme’s. So Its time I changed that and posted a actual real posting.. Wooooo feel the excitement….. or not..

Well I figure I’ve not been updating much with real posts is because nothing much has changed. I work doing the same kind of things day in day out, with just the odd bit of excitement like shameit.com. When not in work, I am normally training, which confuses me, since I train 4 nights a week, yet I would not describe myself as being dedicated to the arts i study.

The only exciting new thing currently happening in my life, is alas a secret, so I can not post about that. So I should start trying to think of other things to write about.

Or… My mind is still not fully working.. I have had a bad case of the flu for the last few days, so have had time to think and contemplate. or as much as you can with fuzzy mind.. :0)

Or more exactly I have spent the last 2 days doing nothing. Mostly while vegged out on the sofa drinking carling and just catching up on watching films, and other TV programs. Which has given me a chance to recharge my batteries..

Unfortunately I am currently sat drinking and watching “Dangerous Liaisons” which is one of the films I should be banned from watching as it tends to make me lean more towards the dark side, which is not helpful for my plan to be a nicer person..

Still undecided on who plays the part better, John Malkovich or Ryan Phillippe… Malkovich has the better style, but Phillippe had the advantage of being set in more modern times…

Well I better go, need another can.

Conversations With Myself & Appologies

This is going to be an odd post, I am apologising for something that has not yet happened, and in fact may never happen. But I wish to apologise anyway, just because I am a nice guy!.

I was driving home from training last night, bored on the journey due to the distance and the fact most the road is currently undergoing roadworks so is restricted at 40.

To entertain itself during the trip, my mind was having a conversation with itself, well conversation is the wrong word I was thinking out some stuff, working out some things I need to do, and deciding what was the best way to do them. As I had almost decided on a course of action a voice in my mind said “you don’t want to do that” and proceeded to remind me of a memory.

I should take a second out to explain that there is a background voice in my head that seems to work faster than my normal thought, and has better access to my memories, I tend to consider it my subconscious mind, seeing as science tells us that is the more powerful part of the human mind.

Anyway the voice re-played a dream I had a few months back, at the time I thought nothing much of the dream, as it was gibberish. For starters the dream started as I was driving back from a grading session at the dojo, and it was a work day. which is wrong as we always grade on a sunday (We graded yesterday on a work day!).. anyway without going into details, the dream ended with some bad things happening to some people, nothing too serious, but still not good, so last night as I drove I had to re-think my plans.

So I was hit with a dilemma. Do I take the dream as something that could happen and change my plans to suit, do I ignore it as a case of deja-vu (which would be a very good deja-vu seeing as several conversations and events were word perfect with my dream), or do I do nothing. After considering the options i decided feck it. I’m going to do as I did in the dream, but with this apology to cover any bad vibes I get. I also think that at the end of everything, when all the dust clears, everyone will be better off..

So all’s well that ends well…

So.. My apologies to those involved..


Bloody Typical!!

When I was in work and wanted snow, there was none, No lie-ins, no working from home. And now I’m on holiday we have snow.

I just walked into my place to grab a quick change before going out training and as i entered my place there was the faintest covering of white on the ground. When I walked out 15 minutes later the snow is up to an inch deep, and still snowing hard. Looks like the weather people are right, with their predictions of 10inches deep snow by the weekend…

Bugger, means several nights missed training this week, so much for the student of the month trophy!