The down Side to Martial Arts.

Tonight I came across the downside to martial arts.

Picture the scene.. A group of people go to the pictures to see underworld 2.. A good time was had by all.. Then on leaving the cinema the group stand around talking.. Once again all is well.. Then one person moves around, so they were standing next to me, then stepped right in front of one of them closing off the group into a smaller circle leaving one on the outside..

What would you do?

Normally I would just growl to myself, and say something while moving the person away.. But Now, after visiting the occasional martial arts lesson, the voices in my head that normaly growl at such things were telling me what to do to hurt the person, and just what was needed to forcibly remove him from being directly in my face…

Luckily I am not a thug and i took a step back and started counting to ten, several times…

But It made me wonder. if you train often, is there a point when your body’s natural reflexes take over and you react before you remember yourself??

Fencing: The Art of The Sword

Well tonight ended my stint as Stand-In Instructor for the Full Circle Academy Fencing Class. Well that sounds a lot more efficient than it actually was. I basically Let the Other Student practice any of the weapons/skills that they felt they wanted more practice on, and was just there to offer help, advice, and instruction as and when it was needed.

And tonight an extra half hour sat by the heaters chatting..

But on the positive side, I did start work on developing a version of the 5 count box set using two swords. I believe it can easily be done. There’s just a block or two where I’m unsure. Like the block against the stab attack, Is it better to change the block for a opposite to normal block, or to use one sword to block as you would with a single sword, and use the other to slice open the opponant’s arms?

I just need some madman to work it out with. Volunteers please?

Updates On Stuff

Well it’s getting close to the end of the year “24 days left” so I figured it was time to take a moment to contemplate the last year, see where I stand, and whats going on, whats changed, what hasn’t, and any other random stuff that’s in my mind.

I am still working at the insane asylum that calls itself Net-Work Internet, Still under paid for the job I do (NOTE: not the work I do) And apart from the odd staff change, nothing much has changed here. But with plans for outsourcing the basic programing work to India, then the possibilities for change, excitment, and adventure “or unemployment

No change, apart from the addition of a new syllabus to the collection of stuff already being taught.

No change, its all the same-ole same-ole. But there are secret plans afoot to change all that next year, so watch this space!

Well I’m still single, And still waiting for number 3 to show up, If you are unsure what the hell I am on about with that last comment read This.

Projects for friends
I have been way to lazy in recent months, and I am now well behind on the projects I have in a stack for friends and family. Not counting my own stuff. Hopefully this laziness/apathy will disappear in the new year, and I can catch up on stuff.

Xmas/Yule/Winter solstice Planning
Much More Arrrrrgggghhh!!!
So far I do not even have any ideas on what to get people, let alone start to try and find time to shop! And some annoying people I know have finished their shopping/wrapping/everything. I blame the laziness of myself.

Mind Kill

The Five Count Box Set, is a nice simple pattern to learn. Its good for warming up with, It looks impressive and can be used with a variety of weapons without much of a mindkill.

  1. Stick
  2. Sword
  3. Machete
  4. Knife
  5. Open hand
  6. Han-Bo

But once you master them and are happy with it, then it should get easier. That is until you start playing about with ideas, and get into the conversation with your fencing instructor “Humm! I wonder if you could do the 5 count box set with a Bo” after all, there is not much difference between a small stick and a 6foot staff.

We’ve been working on the pattern for a week now, and have got it almost flowing smoothly, but its still in the mind killing stage.

So after spending an hour working on it tonight, what do we go and do to relax. Help someone set up a wireless, shared internet network in their house.

After many problems with getting a laptop to talk to the rest of the computers, and trying every configuration setting we could find, we discovered (Thanks to a quick phone call to a work colleague) that some laptops say their wireless is activated, and working but they are lying. You have to turn them on, even though they say they are on.

How many mind kills can you fit into one day…. :0)

Ah well..
That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger!!