It occurs to me from looking at my last few postings that all I have posted recently is meme’s. So Its time I changed that and posted a actual real posting.. Wooooo feel the excitement….. or not..

Well I figure I’ve not been updating much with real posts is because nothing much has changed. I work doing the same kind of things day in day out, with just the odd bit of excitement like When not in work, I am normally training, which confuses me, since I train 4 nights a week, yet I would not describe myself as being dedicated to the arts i study.

The only exciting new thing currently happening in my life, is alas a secret, so I can not post about that. So I should start trying to think of other things to write about.

Or… My mind is still not fully working.. I have had a bad case of the flu for the last few days, so have had time to think and contemplate. or as much as you can with fuzzy mind.. :0)

Or more exactly I have spent the last 2 days doing nothing. Mostly while vegged out on the sofa drinking carling and just catching up on watching films, and other TV programs. Which has given me a chance to recharge my batteries..

Unfortunately I am currently sat drinking and watching “Dangerous Liaisons” which is one of the films I should be banned from watching as it tends to make me lean more towards the dark side, which is not helpful for my plan to be a nicer person..

Still undecided on who plays the part better, John Malkovich or Ryan Phillippe… Malkovich has the better style, but Phillippe had the advantage of being set in more modern times…

Well I better go, need another can.