Must find the calm place!

Think calm mellow peaceful thoughts…

I almost drove into a council office car park and beat the living hell out of someone this morning (I think they were getting this feeling as they kept staring at me in their rear view mirror)…

Worst case of Road Rage I ever felt, but they had deserved it if I had given into the dark side.

Driving along to work at 70ish on an clear road, and some idiot decided to pull out in front of me and do 30, but they waited till I was about 3 meters away from them before doing it, Not enough room for an emergency stop, a bank to the left of the road, and a truck driving towards me on the other lane…

How it did not escalate into a big crash I do not know…. Someone or Something was looking out for me.

I’m now sat in the office trying to think calming thoughts to stop myself driving back to the car park, and smashing up thier car, or looking up thier name off the parking permit in the window…


Bloody Hell its HOT!!!!

I’m sat in an office, we have the windows open, the door open, the fire escape open, two fans blowing, and its still to darn hot!!

I think when the weather gets this hot we should go nocturnal. Just lie about in the sun during the day, and work during the evening/night… I’m a programmer god darn it, I probably work better at night anyway…

The Storm Aproaches

Well, We needed it to try and and take away some of the heat, we prayed for it, we dusted off the ole shamanic gear and did the rain dance, or didn’t but why let reality ruin a good post!

Earlier on the heavens opened and large drops of rain started to fall, which grew into a short but heavy shower.

Now, there is the rumbling of thunder in the distance, and hopefully this storm with show itself, Since the one last night never really got further than the stage of growling like an old dog.

So come on storm, throw your wrath at us, and a localised power cut would be nice as well.

Sometimes Work Has Good Points


A Customer just came into the office with a bag of magnum ice creams for everyone in the office (Which was seriously needed as its so god darn hot!!) and a bottle of canadian vodka for me, to say thanks for my work on a project…

Tis good to be appreciated :0)
Tis even better to be appreciated with booze :0)


Wanted Ad: 1 Worshiper

Quick Request.

I need a worshiper, apparantly I am one person short from being accepted as a God by so if anyone would like to sign up to worshiping me, it would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: That is, Will accept I am a God, Not that I am his god.