Pleasure/Pain Equation…

The Pleasure/Pain Equation is true, its not some gimmik invented by the people in TV land to seel yougurts…

I got yesterday off work due to snow, well I got to work from home, so it was good…

I got ill.. and not get to semi-work from home today due to illness.. :0(

least its pretty out my window with everything under a layer of snow a couple of inches deep, and its still snowing…….

anyway time to check work email for anything important

The Power of Wishfull Thinking

Well, the skys are clear, the Sun is shining, Yet the company I work for is preparing for most the staff to be snowed in Tomorrow (Apart from the three poor people with the misfortune to live close to the office and are expect to come in anyway!).  They are handing out VOIP phones, setting up remote accounts and getting ready for a work from home day…

The Weekend That Was! (brief review)

The weekend kicked off by popping round to ammos  and for a lovely meal, and cake (of which I still have one small bit left.). and a night of socialising and taking the piss out of the American TV program we were watching…

Had a meeting with some friends to discuss a website they want doing. and to get enough information to make a start. Then out for a few drinks (But not too may due to training the following day)

All Day Training Seminar (KenJutsu).  Then Out for a curry with the dojo in the evening as a belated xmas do..