Well today I am slightly less physically/emotionally/mentally shattered, And starting to feel more like my old self…

I put it down to a training session that was basically some tai chi, ba gua, and a talk on spiritual stuff, and random spiritual stuff…

I went to Spain. It was Hot, and way too sunny for my liking…
I drank too much, ate too much (But did try some new foods), soaked in the local culture, and the cute Spanish dancers. And overall tried to avoid the big burny thing in the sky (I was not overly successful as my arms and face are more skin colored than normal), and other such normal holiday stuff…

And then….

Shit happened!!!!
On the day before I was due to come home, I received a phone call informing my my Nian (Grandmother) had died. Got home to find out some black sheep’s of the family had been fighting over her possessions as her body lay there waiting to be removed. One of my nephews tripped into some broken glass, and had to spend Monday in hospital for x-rays and stitches, and then my sister was involved in a car crash, possibly totaling my mothers car that she was driving at the time….

Great 4 days…….

So there you have it!!!