
What is it about mondays?
Why does time flow slower on a monday than at any other time during the week?

Its one of those mysteries that confound the greatest minds on the planet. After all think of the usefulness of the answer to this question, For if we knew what it was that made Modays drag we could employ this technique during times of war, and have more time to set up our troops than the other side. You could take your time and safely clear a minefield in the time it takes the other side to say “Oh my gosh!” But thats best left to people with greater minds than my own..

It was pointed out to me that I had not posted for a while. And this is true, I have been ill and busy, and unable to randomly fillup postings with the drivel that i find inside my mind. Which explains why my mind is more cluttered than usual.

So what have I been up to since my last ramble.??

I passed 7th Kyu in the FCA system.

I got ill.

I worked.

I slept (a small amount, damn insomnia)

I celebrated two peoples birthdays.

and thats it.. Gods I lead a boring, dull life… So its going to be a cheery week then, especially as tomorrow is the one day a year where single people get the fact they are single and not part of a couple rammed down their throats all day long, with everyone going on about what they are doing with their other half, how many cards they got, and so on…

*mutter* *mutter*

roll on next week……

Right, back to work now…


The worlds Spam problem is getting worse!!

2000 spam emails in 5 days. And thats after several spam programs killfilemost of them!

What sort of evil maniac write spam software?

Bloody Typical – Snow

Bloody Typical!!!

You wait for ages for snow, nice thick white useful snow, the kind of snow that lets you work from home due to the mountain passes being un-travelable. And it doesn’t come. Oh they promise you snow, they build up your hopes by sending out the warnings and the gritters. But the snow does not come.

Then, while your off work during the festive shutdown. IT SNOWS!!!

Ok, the countryside always looks nice under a couple of inches of snow. And the dogs like to play snowballs, but, whats the point of snow if you can’t blag a couple of days off work :0)

On another note, Its almost the start of the new year. Time to start thinking of new year resolutions!

Winter Festive Cheer!!

Well yesterday was the Office “Xmas do” so I got to finish work at two and go eat and drink loads, with the members of the company and a load of random people I have never seen before, I swear the network meals are now pulling in anyone who happens to be walking past the door at the time. :0)

Then when feeling stuffed and happy, it was time to grab a lift to chester, quick change into a smarter outfit, and off to another “festive do” for a big meal, lots more drinks and more fun. And without the aid of any cheating every person on the table I was on won at least one prize on the raffle (One Person winning two) “What are the odds on that

Then to finish off the evening, Some drunken killing of cops in a Grand Theft Auto shoot out…

2 1/2 Working Days Left!

Updates On Stuff

Well it’s getting close to the end of the year “24 days left” so I figured it was time to take a moment to contemplate the last year, see where I stand, and whats going on, whats changed, what hasn’t, and any other random stuff that’s in my mind.

I am still working at the insane asylum that calls itself Net-Work Internet, Still under paid for the job I do (NOTE: not the work I do) And apart from the odd staff change, nothing much has changed here. But with plans for outsourcing the basic programing work to India, then the possibilities for change, excitment, and adventure “or unemployment

No change, apart from the addition of a new syllabus to the collection of stuff already being taught.

No change, its all the same-ole same-ole. But there are secret plans afoot to change all that next year, so watch this space!

Well I’m still single, And still waiting for number 3 to show up, If you are unsure what the hell I am on about with that last comment read This.

Projects for friends
I have been way to lazy in recent months, and I am now well behind on the projects I have in a stack for friends and family. Not counting my own stuff. Hopefully this laziness/apathy will disappear in the new year, and I can catch up on stuff.

Xmas/Yule/Winter solstice Planning
Much More Arrrrrgggghhh!!!
So far I do not even have any ideas on what to get people, let alone start to try and find time to shop! And some annoying people I know have finished their shopping/wrapping/everything. I blame the laziness of myself.

Come on The Snow.

The BBC are saying and i quote…

Wales prepares for arctic blast

Large parts of Wales are preparing for the first snow of winter, with warnings of up to 15cm (5in) in some areas and blizzards in upland regions.

North, west and mid Wales are likely to be most affected on Thursday night and Friday morning.

BBC Wales weather presenter Derek Brockway said snow would fall across Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire and Flintshire on Friday morning.

He added that parts of the north and west could wake up a to a “good covering” of snow on Friday, with further hail and snow showers likely during the day.

Hopefully they will have got it right, and I can work from home tomorrow, and get a nice lie in!

Ok, if it snows bad and people get snowed in I have been threatened by that I will get a slapping for wanting the snow, but I figure a slap will be worth the lie in…