There’s More to People Than You Think

The girl you just called fat? She’s been starving herself and has lost 15kgs.

The boy you just called stupid? He has a learning disability and studies 4 hours a night.

The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping you’ll like her.

The boy you just tripped over? He is already abused enough at home.

There’s more to people than you think.

Reblog this if you’re against bullying

(Reblogged from :-> Adorkably Me)

If you wake up in the morning with your body drained dry of blood, you’ll be afraid of the dark

This morning I had a “Quick” 9am appointment at the local hospital for a cursory check that my recent Vampiric eye illness was fully cleared and all doing ok.

That was the plan, but we all know what they say of the best laid plans, and how they often “Gang aft agley,

So here I sit, drained dry of blood, with a bruised arm, after hours of tests. I believe they have decided to run every test they could think off, including some I think they made up on the spot to try and track down the actual cause of my Vampiric Eye Syndrome.

Ah, your probably now sitting there thinking . o {Come on? drained of blood? Don’t be so melodramatic!}. Well I was sat in the blood letting chair for quite a while, and every other time in my life I have had blood tests they have taken two tubes of blood. Today they took what looked to be a dozen, Even the blood letter was shocked at the amount of tests being run. Put it this way, when they finally found a vein and started the blood collecting it was squirting quite strongly into the tube, by the time they got to the last tube it was barley a trickle coming out, and she had to keep forcing needle in deeper, and moving it about.

After I was drained of blood I was passed on to the X-ray department, Which was an interesting experience since my last xray was on my knee when I was about nine months old. I’m not sure I will be allowed back after I caused slight upset amongst the staff by suggesting they use the machines to peak into Xmas gifts to see what they are. There was also a case of roving hands, but I was polite and endured it.

So now, I get two weeks to recover from these tests before going back and getting the results.


A thanks to the StopGo roadworks guy

How often do you drive past roadworks and wave a thanks, or even acknowledge the StopGo Man? You know the poor guy who stands there all the time the roadworks are going on, in rain, snow, hail, etc. changing his sign form Stop to Go and back again?

Well I would like to doff a virtual pint to the StopGo man in respect for the good work he does. “What? why am I doing this?” Well this morning on my commute to the Insane Asylum I hit a long set of roadworks, and as I approached I spotted the sign was on STOP. Now I must have just missed it since I could see cars way ahead of me heading in the direction I was. I slowed down, and sighed as I knew I would be stuck here now for a good ten minutes. As I slowed the StopGo man looked at my car, looked at the retreating cars in the distance, and waved me through. So I floored it til I caught up with the rest of the traffic.  So the common sense of a StopGo man saved me a ten minute wait I would have had if there had been traffic lights there.

So to all StopGo men out there, I raise a pint to your good work.