News Just In

During some Random Internet Researching, the following information was discovered, and is currently being investigated.

We have all heard of the freemasons. And Heard hundreds of theory’s on what they are, what they want, why they were created. Well there is now evidence on the true origins of Freemasonry, origins that go back to the early years BC. One of the members has broken ranks and leaked information to the world before mysteriously disappearing.

The new information given is that the clue is in the name. Freemason. The name has been mutated over the centuries into the name we know today. It was original three words that have been joined together. its progression is something along the lines off Freemason <- Freemyson <- Free myson <- Free my Son!

yes. Its original name is “Free My Son” the name of the organization was taken from God’s cry of free my son.

As we know from the bible, God’s son jesus was killed, then came back alive, what we do not know because the freemasons removed an important Gospel from the bible is that after his Resurrection he was then kidnapped by the minions of satan, and is still held as a hostage preventing God from doing good and healing the worlds ill’s.

Since God was prevented from direct action, he spoke to some of the holiest men of the time, and got them to form a secret society to fight satan, and find where jesus is being held, and to free him.

The full details of these revelations will be made in the forth coming book. “free My Son: the truth behind the lie behind freemasonry”