Well NaNoWriMo has now finished for another year, or maybe half an year since there are super-secret plans afoot for a private friends only NaNoWriMo challenge for a month other than November, AKA a less busy month. I now find myself challenge free, so I have decided to take part in a little something called PDSCEDFTROTY (YTIH).

Yes, it is a catchy little title that runs off the tongue. It stands for “Project Do Something Creative Every Day For The Rest Of The Year (Yes, This Includes Holidays)” And you can read more about it at Wil’s blog over at WWdN: In Exile.

So for every day left in this year I will attempt to do something creative. You have to admit that sounds good right until the voices in the back of your mind remind you that today is December the 1st, and there are just 31 days left this year. But HEY, thats 31 days of creativity.

This also means I will be spamming you guys with 31 update posts of creativity (hopefully), Yes that’s at least a post a day for the month of December. So everyone cross your fingers and wish me luck as I start my PDSCEDFTROTY (YTIH).

NaNoWriMo Weekly Update [3]

Its update time again, has it really been a week since the last one? Where has the time gone? I know its not gone on writing my NaNoWriMo, due to one thing or another.  In fact I have a provisional deal with a friend that we will pick a less busy month next year and have a private challenge.

As for this months challenge, I have not done so well, I have however got the outline of what I think is a good story, and I have some of the skeleton built it just needs fleshing out with lots of words.

Actual Word Count: 5000

Projected Word Count: 34500

NaNoWriMo Weekly Update [2]

OK. Why cant we have NaNoWriMo in some other month? How about May? May is a quiet month? Why do we have to have it in November, which always seems to start off as one of the busiest times in my year? Then after much drinking/eating/Lack of sleep I tend to get run down and end up with the flu or some other such illness which slows me down even more.

Its a conspiracy I tell you.

Anyway. Thanks to a bit of work done last week while waiting in the hospital for an eye checkup, and more done yesterday while between events at the Karate competition, and the odd random bit of writing here and there I have actually got a start on my story.

Well two starts really as I have two bits on the go from the same story but at different parts of the book, which means when I’m stuck on one bit I can jump to the other. So I have made a start, and Half way through the month I have already beaten my records from previous years attempts, So I have done what I set out to do, and actually do better than I have previously.

Actual Word Count: 2500

Projected Word Count: 23000

NaNoWriMo Weekly Update [1]

I said I would do weekly updates to try and shame me into actually getting a better score this year in NaNoWriMo than I have in previous attempts.

So this is the first update. exactly a week after the start of the challenge, and I have not done very much really. In my defense last week included, Halloween Celebrations, Samhain, My Birthday, Installation Planning/Night, Bonfire Night, and was very busy.

So I am seven days behind, I have done some planning, and I have some basic ideas. OK, seven days does equate to approximately 11,500 words, but I am not worried YET.

Actual Word Count: 0

Projected Word Count: 11500

NaNoWriMo – The 2010 Challange Begins

I’ve decided to set myself a challenge.  So I am taking part in this years NaNoWriMo.

For those of you who have been reading this blog for over a year, or have read back entries I say this to you  “Yes. I know I say this every year, and yes I fail more often than not, but this year is different.” For you newer readers I say :-

NaNoWriMo? you ask

National Novel Writing Month. Its a yearly challenge where people try to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. (that’s 1666ish words a day! for those of you interested in such maths.) More information can be found on the NaNoWriMo website.

So, Pens at the ready (Symbolical pens as I will be using a keyboard) and lets begin.

I will post weekly updates to shame myself into writing.