Originally Posted at http://rockthelan.com


Title: Shatnerquake

Author: Jeff Burk

Published: 2009

Pages: 100

PLOT (Taken from Amazon.com):

It’s Shatner VS Shatners!

William Shatner? William Shatner. WILLIAM SHATNER!!! It’s the first ShatnerCon with William Shatner as the guest of honor! But after a failed terrorist attack by Campbellians, a crazy terrorist cult that worships Bruce Campbell, all of the characters ever played by William Shatner are suddenly sucked into our world. Their mission: hunt down and destroy the real William Shatner.

Featuring: Captain Kirk, TJ Hooker, Denny Crane, Rescue 911 Shatner, Singer Shatner, Shakespearean Shatner, Twilight Zone Shatner, Cartoon Kirk, Esperanto Shatner, Priceline Shatner, SNL Shatner, and – of course – William Shatner!

No costumed con-goer will be spared in their wave of destruction, no redshirt will make it out alive, and not even the Klingons will be able to stand up to a deranged Captain Kirk with a lightsaber. But these Shatner-clones are about to learn a hard lesson…that the real William Shatner doesn’t take crap from anybody. Not even himself.

It’s Shatnertastic!

MY OPINION (Taken from my Mind):

I first heard about this book on @wilw‘s blog, and again later when he posted that the author Jeff Burk was offering it as a one day free PDF Download. So I did what any geek would do, I downloaded it and read it in work :o)

Well ok, the original plan was to just check out the story and read it later that evening. Only I was hooked as soon as Shatner drove past the first Campbellian, I loved the idea of a cult of Campbell, where followers cut off their right hand and change their name to Bruce.

That was it then. There was zero chance of any productivity from me until the book was finished, Luckily its only 100 pages long so does not take long to read.

But that’s 100 pages of pure AWESOME. we are talking about Captain kirk trying to sleep with people cosplaying slave girls, and attacking klingons, not to mention the poor cosplaying red shirts. Theres even one point when Kirk is running around in pure rage armed with a working lightsaber?


I would recommend this book to anyone from a beginner reader, to the kind of hardcore reader who will read war & peace in a sitting.

Its witty, funny, and so very different that you should be able to enjoy it even if you are not a Shatner fan.

It should also be required reading to anyone who visits conventions.