Snow, Snow, Wonderful Snow

The world looks a lot nicer when its covered in a small blanket of snow!

Now if it just keeps up all day and night, maybe I can get snowed in tomorrow and get 1 day working from home due to snow this year.

Bloody Typical – Snow

Bloody Typical!!!

You wait for ages for snow, nice thick white useful snow, the kind of snow that lets you work from home due to the mountain passes being un-travelable. And it doesn’t come. Oh they promise you snow, they build up your hopes by sending out the warnings and the gritters. But the snow does not come.

Then, while your off work during the festive shutdown. IT SNOWS!!!

Ok, the countryside always looks nice under a couple of inches of snow. And the dogs like to play snowballs, but, whats the point of snow if you can’t blag a couple of days off work :0)

On another note, Its almost the start of the new year. Time to start thinking of new year resolutions!

Come on The Snow.

The BBC are saying and i quote…

Wales prepares for arctic blast

Large parts of Wales are preparing for the first snow of winter, with warnings of up to 15cm (5in) in some areas and blizzards in upland regions.

North, west and mid Wales are likely to be most affected on Thursday night and Friday morning.

BBC Wales weather presenter Derek Brockway said snow would fall across Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire and Flintshire on Friday morning.

He added that parts of the north and west could wake up a to a “good covering” of snow on Friday, with further hail and snow showers likely during the day.

Hopefully they will have got it right, and I can work from home tomorrow, and get a nice lie in!

Ok, if it snows bad and people get snowed in I have been threatened by that I will get a slapping for wanting the snow, but I figure a slap will be worth the lie in…

Mondays Morning Blues

Mondays are great, not only do you have to go back to work after a weekend off, but there a law that states, “If something can go wrong, then the chances of it going wrong double on a monday morning

At some point over the weekend something tripped the electric to the offices (possibly my monitor breaking since this morning it was as dead as a dead thing!), so we had the fun of rebooting machines, several of which developed annoying noises until kicked repeatedly.

Now we just have the cold to deal with. The offices are freezing, in a coat wearing, door closing, radiator hugging level of coldness.

Why can’t we just hibernate over the winter?

Or at least let the snow hurry up and get here, deep snow that closes the mountain passes, and lets us work from home!

Arg!! Ruddy Customers – Work Rant.

::Rant Time::

What is it with some customers?

You spend months waiting for them to test the project you developed for them, only for them to decide to test it just before they need it finished. They send you a large list of changes they want made, before the deadline of a week.

So being nice you work your arse off and get all the changes finished so they can start training/testing on their test site. Two days before you finish they change their minds and decide it must be on the live site ( another 4 days work ) yet there is no extension on the start date of training.

Then the day before it goes live they email you a long list of changes they want to the system before it goes live..

How many hours do think think there is in the day…

I think i need a buffer zone between me and customers, cos with this heat the temptation to speak my mind is getting too tempting.

And as Oscar Wilde said “I can resist everything except temptation.”