Well its the start of the new month. One month into the new year, so I figured I should take a moment to reflect and look back over the last month, and see how I am doing with my new year resolutions…

Loose Weight
Well I stupidly forgot to weigh or measure myself at the start of the year, so I have no idea if I have lost any weight… So I am not doing very well so far..

Learn one New Skill
I’m still trying to decide on what new skill I should learn. I am considering trying to learn people reading, in a derren brown style.

Finish Some Old Projects
ok. i’m nill for 3 so far. i have finished no projects so far, but I have got one about 70% finished.

Read More
At last I get to one I have actually done. I have read a bit this year, ok, I’ve only finished 1 book, but its a start, and you have to start somewhere.

Actually do Backups
Woo! Got this one finished. I have got a script that backs up my stuff every month. So hopefully I should not loose any more data.

Stop being so Lazy
Err. No progress on this one so far, I am still a fat lazy slob!

So all in all. I am not doing very well with my resolutions. But I am only one month into the year. so there is hope for me yet.