Apart from an endless stream of sequels…

Highlander 1: Was a film that stood on its own as a decent film, in so much that it had a plot, followed a time line, and made sense.

Highlander 2: Decided to ignore the beginning of the first film, make them all aliens, who know each other on another planet, and just happened to forget they knew each other in the first film.

Highlander 3: Now we realise the second film made no sense, so lets forget it completely and continue from the end of the second film, bring in a bit of magic and continue along the original lines.

Highlander 4: Ok, we have two TV spin offs we have to explain, which is a bit tricky with all the immortals being killed off in the films, so lets follow the famous dynasty story line. “It was all a dream” so we will jump back in time to half way through the first film and make everything from there on a dream. That should do it…

Highlander 5: Right lets make a new film to right the wrong of earlier ones, we’ll throw in all the popular characters from the TV series (apart from the Raven). Set it at some near future date, Have a powerful but insane bad guy, let the sword be broken (again making the so called scotsman go from using a japanese style sword to some chinese swords), and even throw in some queen tracks from the original….

Highlander 6: In Production

Highlander 7: In Production