Well I had a nice week off work, Sometimes you just need to get away from the office and the petty politics that always seems to be going on in the background. And as i was told I had to use up all spare holidays before April, I took a week off to chill. Which we all need to do from time to time.

It was a good week, I got some private stuff done, I got to go visit some old american friends who by pure fluky luck were doing a flying visit to the uk, I went out for a nice meal and pissup with my father and a bunch of friends. Ok i did not get to visit some places I had hoped to, due to getting snowed in. but on the whole it was a good week.

then came saturday morning, and the arrival of the post. Just one letter for me, a bunch of papers from liverpool law courts informing me i was being sued for £6500 + solicitors fees. “What would a sweet, innocent bloke like you get sued that much for?” I hear you cry. well for car hire! let me explain, many many months ago I was in a car crash, I actually crashed into a car that had just crashed into another car. As normal in such situations the insurance companies sorted it all out amongst themselves and everyone was happy. Or should have been. but the cheeky father of one of the girls involved the the crash is now suing me for 6 grands worth of car hire, for the short time his daughter was car-less. 6 Grand? What did he hire, a Rolls?

On a good point, they had messed up on the legal papers, with his solicitors getting my name wrong, details of the crash wrong, who was driving the car wrong, and many other things, so hopefully it will all get laughed out of court as it should be. Failing that I drive past his house on my way to work, And I know where I can get my hands on some dangerous reptiles.

Anyway, its not healthy to worry about things, you loose sleep, and it helps nothing. So to look forward to good things, Its fencing tonight, and there will be a full on shinai fight, so thats something to look forward to…