1. Why the dragon icons?

Well I have always used a dragon in some form on most the logos, icons I use, And it fits in with the name penddraig (Pen Dragon)

2. What is stupidest thing you have ever done?

The stupidest thing I have ever done? Now that’s a hard one, picking just one stupid incident from a long life of stupidity! But lets see? Err, I suppose turning down the high paid job in Cheltenham, that came with an impressive starting wage, flexytime the works, But I was unable at that time to move away from the area for personal reasons . But it was a stupid thing to do.

3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be and why?

Well one regret I have, which could also have been used into the previous question as a stupid thing I have done, was the way I dealt with something on my first trip to Dublin. I was walking along the road heading out for a nights drinking, when an extremely cute girl started walking down towards me, so being me, as she walked past I turned around to check her out from the rear, Only to discover she was doing the same to me. So busted we stopped walking, smiled at each other, she waved sheepishly, so I waved back, turned and continued on my way to the pub, only to start kicking myself later for not going over to chat and taking her out to the pub with me. So I would like to go back and change that moment, for she was stunning…

4. Firearm or Blade?

Depends on the situation. For death from a long distance you can’t beat a sniper rifle, but for up close, silent death then it’s a blade. So to answer that : – It depends on the situation.

5. What does your name mean?

Pen”drag*on, n.
A Chief leader or a king; a head; a dixtator,
— a title assumed by the ancient British chiefs when called to lead other chiefs.]”>

The Welsh word pen is full of mythical and historical resonance. It means ‘head’ — both one’s
physical head and also the sense of ‘chief, leader’. The latter meaning exists in English as
well, but not with the same force: ‘head dragon’ doesn’t quite make it as a translation of penddraig.