Well its the first day back at work after a nice four day break away from work, So time to catch up on emails, webpages, forums, and LJ…

Q: So What did I get up to on my break.
A: No where near as much as I planned.

I was supposed to write a review for “Bite Me” magazine, but only got as far as skimming a copy and looking at the pictures. and blanking all memories of vampuss… I must get this done, and something more constructive than asking for more photos of cute women…

I was planning on getting myself some new toys (i recently came into some money that I decided to blow on crap) but after some advice from someone in the office I am now confused on what to get, flatscreen monitor, or sound system, or stuff and things, So I got no further than looking into AV Receivers…

I was going to wash my car… But gave up after emptying the trash out the inside…

I was going to get pissed several times. This one I managed to do.. Go Me!!!!

I was going to go to pics… Failed.

I was going to finish the labyrinth book… Ok, I’m now down to the last 3 chapters so almost got it done, so with no fencing tonight I should get this finished..

In fact, most the stuff I had planned for the break went out the window. This is the last time I plan anything. But it proves once and for all I am useless :0)