Thanksgiving Thanks

Well its the last Thursday in November and I find myself asking along with 85% of the worlds population (Real statistics) “Where did the year go?“. I also find myself thinking about things I am thankful for. I blame the amount of Americans I know for this thoughtful mood, since its their Thanksgiving day.  This year I decided to join in with my cousins from across the pond, and to do so I would have a traditional American Thanksgiving.


It turns out that if you try and order a batch of smallpox off the internet, to try and genetically modify the strain to wipe out a large racial group you get a vist by a bunch of men in black suits and mirrored shades, and a pat-down that makes the TSA look like a nervous schoolboy with his first above the clothes fumble.

Also, most races are slightly more streetwise these days, and you can not claim their country as your own with the cunning use of flags & the Winchester repeating rifle. Also the men in black will confiscate said Rifle when they leave


So this year due to the restraining orders, and the black vans, & choppers that seem to be just loitering in my vicinity, I have decided to just be thankful for some stuff. So I raise my cup of coffee to you dear readers, neh friends and am thankful of you. I am thankful for the internet shrinking the size of the world, and for good friends spread over its every shrinking surface. I’m thankful for good food & drink, Good films & Books. I’m thankful to @GeekShui who said if i turned up at his house in traditional pilgrim costume I could join his family for a Thanksgiving meal, And Dear Constant Readers I’m thankful to you, and you, to him and her, but not You, and you know who you are, I’m not thankful to you, not since you did that thing to that cat…

Happy Thanksgiving.

Your meaning of "Have me for Dinner" is different to mine!