Tell me why I don’t like Monday’s

Oh Gods.. Its another Monday morning and I really cant be arsed being in work…

I’m not too sure whats wrong with me, whether its.

  1. Normal Monday Morning Blues! that just happen to last all week atm.
  2. The atmosphere in the office these days.
  3. Old age
  4. Or just general “cant be arsed”‘ness

I think I’m going to go with point 4. General “cant be arsed”‘ness seeing as I have lost all interest in everything, my get up and go has got up and gone. my enthusiasm for stuff is non-existent, I’m just going through the motions.


Maybe I’m getting old?

Zombie Mice.

The world is a strange place, for example…

Our office building seems to have developed a mice infestation. which led onto the random subject tangent of zombie mice which is in fact a logical topic progression for the people who work here..

Several steps along the topic later and the following information was discovered..

Scientists continue to get all thier ideas from horror/sci-fi movies. But they must leave the theatre halfway through the movie because they never realize that this stuff is a -bad idea-.

Now Ellen Heber-Katz has created mice that can regenerate any organ except the brain. Remove a lung, it grows a new one. Pull out it’s heart, and a new one will show up. “We have experimented with amputating or damaging several different organs, such as the heart, toes, tail and ears, and just watched them regrow…”

The zombie mice can even infect other animals with the regeneration trait. “When we injected fetal liver cells taken from those animals into ordinary mice, they too gained the power of regeneration. We found this persisted even six months after the injection.”

Ellen Heber-Katz is a professor of immunology at the Wistar Institute, a biomedical research center in the US. She’s still researching exactly how the genes work and thinks that humans may be able to duplicate the regeneration trait.

In a nutshell, a scientist in a biomedical research center has created zombie mice that can make other animals into zombies, too. And now they want to see if people can be made into zombies, too. Please, someone send these people a copy of ‘Resident Evil’ or ‘Dawn of the Dead’ (now available on DVD!).

See the world is a very very very odd place..