From the Archive: Last Ever Rock Night at The Tiv Pt:1

Recently it was National Nostalgia Week, and to keep the nostalgia going here’s a photo review of an event that marked the end of an era in North Wales, the closing of the Tiv as a rock venue and leaving north east Wales with no rock clubs at all.

The Last Ever Rock Night at The Tiv!!!!
[Saturday 29th May 1999]


NaNoWriMo Weekly Update [1]

I said I would do weekly updates to try and shame me into actually getting a better score this year in NaNoWriMo than I have in previous attempts.

So this is the first update. exactly a week after the start of the challenge, and I have not done very much really. In my defense last week included, Halloween Celebrations, Samhain, My Birthday, Installation Planning/Night, Bonfire Night, and was very busy.

So I am seven days behind, I have done some planning, and I have some basic ideas. OK, seven days does equate to approximately 11,500 words, but I am not worried YET.

Actual Word Count: 0

Projected Word Count: 11500

NaNoWriMo – The 2010 Challange Begins

I’ve decided to set myself a challenge.  So I am taking part in this years NaNoWriMo.

For those of you who have been reading this blog for over a year, or have read back entries I say this to you  “Yes. I know I say this every year, and yes I fail more often than not, but this year is different.” For you newer readers I say :-

NaNoWriMo? you ask

National Novel Writing Month. Its a yearly challenge where people try to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. (that’s 1666ish words a day! for those of you interested in such maths.) More information can be found on the NaNoWriMo website.

So, Pens at the ready (Symbolical pens as I will be using a keyboard) and lets begin.

I will post weekly updates to shame myself into writing.