a=b; a=b; a=b; ad infinitum

I did have a different post that I was planning on writing today. I just figured that what I’m seeing on my Desktop Screens deserved sharing.  I’m doing some work on a site, and have copied it to a development area so my work does not affect the live site. Unfortunately the site URL & Document root are hard coded across the site, So before I can start I’m having to fix this.

So I find an include file full of variables. Which is a good way of doing it, since if you make any changes you only need to edit one file. Here’s an example of said file.

$site_name         =     “****************;
$site_email        =    “****@*******”;
$site_url        =    “http://********************/”;
$ip                =     ***.***.***.***;
$site_path        =    “/*****/******/*****”;

******** to protect customers privacy.

OK. Seems fair right? That’s only a small snippet of set variables There are dozens and dozens of them. Now, every other file on the site starts off with including this variable file. They then go on to reset all the variables in it to the same values. e.g. :-


require(**included file**);

$site_name         =     “****************;
$site_email        =    “****@*******”;
$site_url        =    “http://********************/”;
$ip                =     ***.***.***.***;
$site_path        =    “/*****/******/*****”;

??? WTF ???

Now, I know the original person who built the site did it all at the same time. so that discounts it being an extra file added at a later rebuild, and the variables per file had not yet been removed.

And as for the coding in the rest of the site, Lets just say I have begged to be allowed to rm -Rf * the whole directory and start again from scratch as it will be quicker/better.

It’s this stupid movie. It’s called “Coffins from Hell.”

Just a quickie post: The Blog equivalent of a Knee trembler on the fire-escape at the back of a night club. Or if you was a Tiv Regular back in “the good ole days!” then a quick visit to that middle floor seating area.

Hang on… I’ve gone of topic slightly, and to be fair any mention of the Tiv deserves a full blog post for itself. Maybe someday… Right, for now back to “the Big Picture” of this quick post, and the lesson for the week that I wish to impart to you.

One Last tangent: 10 Film Geek Points to anyone who connects the post title to the content. (easy one)

R:You know for a <quote>Just a quickie post</quote> you have so far “babbled” for 112 words?

GN:You actually counted them? Sheeeesh, you have way too much time on your hands!”

R: Duh!!!! If I did not, I wouldn’t be reading your blog would I?

GN:Fair Point. I’ll give you that. Now Back to the story…..

To tell you the truth, I’ve now forgotten what I was going to post about, “Hey it is a Monday morning. I can be forgiven!” The Big Picture, that was it.

This morning as I drove to work I was stopped on a hill by the car in front of me wishing to turn right, and was waiting for a break in the oncoming traffic or a nice driver to stop and let him cross. We were there for quite a while as a silly amount of cars came past in a constant stream. After about five minutes the driver gave up and drove on, planning on taking a different longer route to where he wanted to go.

Now if he had looked at “The Bigger Picture” or at least ocular mapped the area, he would have realised two important things.

1) The reason there was so much traffic coming down the hill was due to the road works slightly higher up the hill, which were on Red for us, Green for them.

2) If he waited for lights to change he could have turned with no problem.

As it was he drove past his turning and got stuck in the row of cars waiting for the lights to change.

So people, Always look at the big picture. Take that extra few seconds to look outside of your comfort zone.  See why things are as they are, and how they affect you. You could end up saving yourself a lot of hassle and problems.

Remember Rome was not built in a day. But with modern technology we could flatten it in minutes. It makes you think!

Time Waits for No Man. But What if he doesn’t turn up?

The Masonic Season starts again this month, And last night I was dutifully at Rehearsals. Well it was needed as everyone moved up a rung on the ladder at the last meeting, and this is the first ceremony we will do in our new positions.

So We all start turning up at the Lodge at 7pm, greet each other and start chatting in little groups while we are waiting.


The groups slowly move about as people move to greet and chat with others, catching up with people not seen since the end of last years season.


At this point I’m chatting to the Candidate, who has turned up for the start of rehearsal before leaving when we do the bits he can’t yet see. At some point he asks me how long the rehearsal will go on for, as he has to go back to work afterwards. I point out that he can only stay for the start and then he gets to go. So it wont be long after we start.


So we’re discussing the age old discussion Linux/Windows/Mac. When he asks what time do we start. I point out we’re just waiting on people then we’ll start.  It was only when he asked me who we were waiting for that I realised we were all actually there. It was just no one had noticed, or suggested we start.

I saw the Devil ice-skating to work

I have been thinking, and am a bit confused.

R:A Bit?

GN:OK. I’m often confused. I just figured I’d type out my confusion and at the same time send out a call to arms!.”

For the last several years you would have to have been living as a hermit is a small cave on some hidden mountain peak not to have heard about “Global Warming“.

To be fair, when the Doom & Gloom brigade first started they rumblings that we were killing the planet, and that gia would not stand for it, and a war between nature and progress would be the end of us…. “Ooops. My bad! That’s the plot of Avatar. But you get the idea.

At the time we were having Lovely heat waves, Hottest summers since records begun, sweltering heat, warm winters, snow was a thing of the past. So It did look like this “Global Warming” may be real. So the “Experts” said we were killing the planet, the ice caps were melting in the heat, Sea levels would rise, there would be new floods and carnage.

In fear people jumped on the bandwagon, we had terms like “Carbon Footprint”, we changed the way we live, we turned lights off, or used energy saving ones. We drove less, we quit using cfc’s and aerosols. We did what the experts said. And yet they demand more.  There was recently a global meeting of world leaders to talk about how we could cut down our emissions even more.

Now this is what confuses me. We cut down our emissions, and since then we have not had a summer longer than 4 days of sunny weather, we’ve had no heat waves. What we have had is the longest cold spells since records begun. We’ve had more snow in the last year then the decade before it.  For the last three months we’ve had permafrost in Wales.

If we cut down our emissions any more we’re on the edge of creating a new ice age.  Now I don’t know about you guys. But given the choice of “Global Warming” or “Global Freezing” I choose the option that leads to warm days, cold beers, scantily clad women!

So forget what the so called experts say. What do they know, “Global warming does not equal longest cold spell ever!” So I say, screw them. Lets drive our cars when we don’t really need to, Hell leave the engine running for ten minutes before getting into the car to warm it up. Leave all your lights on 24/7.

Lets have tree cutting days to counter the tree planting ones. Lets wipe out whole forests.  Lets burn Hippies! that has got to give off some good carbon emissions!

I am asking you dear Reader, Do what you can to help fight off the Ice Age that’s coming. Remember, A real Ice age is not funny like in the kids films, its not big and its not clever!