Time Travel & The Tardis

The overall theme of the weekend was “Time Travel“, And not just in the way Adults seem to travel back to their youth when presented with Chocolate Easter Eggs.

Neither was it purely because the new season of Doctor Who started back up on Saturday evening, with a bang and [REDACTED], Sorry I had to redact that last bit for in the words of River song “Spoilers!!!” So I shall say no more on that subject. (EDITOR: “Unless I write a review of the new series or episode)

The main Time Travel I am referring to is the feeling of being back in the past I experienced on the Saturday evening. I had gone around to a friends house while his wife was away. The evening involved some Multiplayer Age of Empires 3, a game (well AoE1) we used to play back in the days when we were work colleagues. Then a call to Domino’s to bring us Pizza & Chicken strips STAT.. All while some Junk-TV played in the background.  This used to be the useual way to end a nights training down the Dojo, Pizza & Junk.

In fact all we were missing for it to have been one of those nights from the distance past was a good conspiracy theory documentary playing on the TV.

What did we do before the Internet?

Today at the Asylum we lost the interwebz for a reasonable length of time. And everyone looked confused over what to do, while those with iPhones tried to grab bits of the net to hug and pet, and remember the good times.

This led to the question being asked “what did we do before the Internet

Suggestion 1 was read.  Err I read ebooks these days that I store online till I need them

Suggestion 2 was chat to people but with every flavour of I’m down how could we chat. And how exactly do you LOL or use smilies without a keyboard?

Suggestion 3 was write. Apparently with pen and paper?. Then you would put the letters inside other bits of paper and write someone’s name on it and drop it in a box. A box on the side of the road?. Some people would come along then and take it to whoever’s name you wrote on the envelope? It could take days to get there, if it got there at all. Well without ip’s or mx records no wonder it would take so long.

So there you have it, in these days of working online, using cloud services, VoIP phones, emails, even IM for internal communication, the average office worker is lost and unable to be productive without the Internet.

Personally I was scanning the area for unsecured wifi to deal with my addiction.

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Greetings & Salutations

Please ignore this post, In fact stop reading now and go do something more fun. “Like what?” you ask, how should I know, go grab a beer, a coffee, a person of your preferred gender, anything really.

Just don’t bother reading this post, its not a real post you see. Its more like a test. I’ve added a twitter app to auto-post updates in real time, (which is different to fake time). So this is a test, just to see if the sites @The3Ninjas account auto posts. Which it will hopefully do. Fingers crossed everyone.

OK. hands up who crossed their fingers? Right, did you miss the start of the post that said no to bother reading it? sheeeeeeeesh, can’t get the readers these days!.

Dont tell the Insane Asylum

Well last night the SysAdmins of the Insane Asylum had the closest thing to an Office Party/Do/Event for the celebration of the Winter shutdown that the Insane Asylum will be having this year.

The DemonPenguin and Myself went from the office to see Avater 3D.  Well what do you expect SysAdmin to do to celebrate? other than go, drink beer, and watch a new release scifi movie in glorious 3D.

So we shot from the Asylum (located in the welsh wilderness) to the cinema (located in England).  There was a slight Miss-hap as my mind went to sleep and the autopilot drive ended up taking me to an x-colleagues house, luckily I woke up in time to get to the cinema with only the slightest detour.

First up was food, Steak & Chips washed down with chilled beer. And by great timing we got to leave not long after the place was invaded by a swarm of small people (Children not Midgets).   Then on to the movie.

NOTE: Just thought I’d share this as its confusing me. According to the inbuilt spell check on this blog the word movie is being shown as spelt wrong.

On to the movie. I have to say Avatar is amazing, it is a movie all should watch, and if you are going to watch it you need to do it in 3d.  I wont review the film, since I do not want to ruin it for anyone. All I will say is two things, 1) you really really need to go see this film.  2)Why don’t people learn the lessons from Jedi? No matter how heavily armed you are with advanced technology, a bunch of ewoks armed with sticks can defeat you!

This is a lesson anyone who wants to destroy america should pay attention to. Ignore bombs, soldiers, just ship in crates of monkeys armed with sticks and watch America drop to its knees.