Nothing compares to a penguin.

I have recently reconnected with some old friends on various Social Networking sites, and we have been catching up and reminding each other of various stories and escapades from the past. I will probably post a few of the more “safe” stories on here at some point.  Until then, and to counter the last post of mine which was political, here is a series of quotes that were recorded at the 1997 Birmingham Spod meet (See I told you I would Post them! I just needed to find the bit of paper)

Basically someone said something that sounded “dodgy” so a pen & paper was found and people started making a list of all the innocent things said that could be taken out of context and sound “iffy”. There was a running count being kept of who was winning.


Wanted Ad: 1 Worshiper

Quick Request.

I need a worshiper, apparantly I am one person short from being accepted as a God by so if anyone would like to sign up to worshiping me, it would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: That is, Will accept I am a God, Not that I am his god.

The Great Goth Ninja

There was a time where primal chaos reigned, Where the Heavens sought order. But the Phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, As endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, The moistures of the Earth, And the powers of the Sun and the Moon. All worked upon a certain rock – old as Creation, And it magically became fertile. That first egg was named Thought, Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, Said, ‘With our thoughts we make the world.’.

Upon the shell of the egg was written all thoughts, knowledge, and all future events of any relevance. Elemantal forces caused the egg to hatch, from it then came a stone Warrior. The nature of the Warrior was irrepressable!

This Warrior became a great leader thanks to blessings from Tathagata Buddha. Over the following eons the Warrior founded a school of training, to pass on the Budda’s wisdom to other less enlightened people. These schools based in the land that would latter be know as Japan, grew over time to become the fabled Ninja clans of Iga and Koga.

The shell of the original egg was kept as a sacred artefact, and held as the most holy of relics, but over the centuries the stone wore away, and crumbled to dust,
as each part of the shell became damaged the contained knowledge, was copied onto the scrolls given to each grandmaster of the clan. These scrolls contained the instructions for all the Ninja skills, magic, and history, They also contained some prophecies of important events that will happen in the clans future. One of these Prophecys concerns the joining of the clan of a foreigner, a white man, a man not of the soil of the egg. A man who will already be wearing black before becoming a ninja warrior, a man who would be at ease amongst the black clad people, a man who will bring great reward on the ancient houses of the ninja, that man would be The Great Goth Ninja.

Am I that man??

Some say it is so!

See Reference

Jelly Baby Fishermen!

[Facts Found in Old Emails]
It turns out the Jelly Babies are good at fishing. Highly trained kamikaze jelly babies attach themselfs to hooks at the end of bungee ropes..

They then jump into the water, then swim down the mouth of a big fish. They grip hold of the fish’s tonsils real tight and wait for the bungee rope to pull them and the fish out the water.. is cool way to fish..

News Just In

News Just In

During some Random Internet Researching, the following information was discovered, and is currently being investigated.

We have all heard of the freemasons. And Heard hundreds of theory’s on what they are, what they want, why they were created. Well there is now evidence on the true origins of Freemasonry, origins that go back to the early years BC. One of the members has broken ranks and leaked information to the world before mysteriously disappearing.

The new information given is that the clue is in the name. Freemason. The name has been mutated over the centuries into the name we know today. It was original three words that have been joined together. its progression is something along the lines off Freemason <- Freemyson <- Free myson <- Free my Son!

yes. Its original name is “Free My Son” the name of the organization was taken from God’s cry of free my son.

As we know from the bible, God’s son jesus was killed, then came back alive, what we do not know because the freemasons removed an important Gospel from the bible is that after his Resurrection he was then kidnapped by the minions of satan, and is still held as a hostage preventing God from doing good and healing the worlds ill’s.

Since God was prevented from direct action, he spoke to some of the holiest men of the time, and got them to form a secret society to fight satan, and find where jesus is being held, and to free him.

The full details of these revelations will be made in the forth coming book. “free My Son: the truth behind the lie behind freemasonry”