Well NaNoWriMo has now finished for another year, or maybe half an year since there are super-secret plans afoot for a private friends only NaNoWriMo challenge for a month other than November, AKA a less busy month. I now find myself challenge free, so I have decided to take part in a little something called PDSCEDFTROTY (YTIH).

Yes, it is a catchy little title that runs off the tongue. It stands for “Project Do Something Creative Every Day For The Rest Of The Year (Yes, This Includes Holidays)” And you can read more about it at Wil’s blog over at WWdN: In Exile.

So for every day left in this year I will attempt to do something creative. You have to admit that sounds good right until the voices in the back of your mind remind you that today is December the 1st, and there are just 31 days left this year. But HEY, thats 31 days of creativity.

This also means I will be spamming you guys with 31 update posts of creativity (hopefully), Yes that’s at least a post a day for the month of December. So everyone cross your fingers and wish me luck as I start my PDSCEDFTROTY (YTIH).