So this is it. Last day of the month, and I have posted to livejournal every day. Ok some days it was just a copout meme post, but a post nether the less. So thats a task completed…

So I’ll just take a look back over the month, see whats happened, whats changed, what hopes and dreams I have, or some such shite :0)

Well we had some lovely snow, which is always fun, makes everywhere look lovely, and better yet, you get to work from home. but on the downside I got Ill, and was expected to work from home while ill, ah well, cant have everything…

What else has happened this month?

Theres been a few good training sessions, some mind melting ones, and some normal ones. I passed ShoKyuLv3. FCMA Fencing Academy has been shut down, put on hold, or whatever you want to call it.

Round up of some of the meme’s. Apparently my life is like an Erotic Thriller which is worrying as I will die aged 36 from sexual exhaustion. Which doesn’t really tie in with me having the dating problems of Insecurity and shyness…

All in all its been a quiet month, which February normally is, due to its inconvenient placing in the year, Just after recovering from the excess of December and Xmas, My family has the damn cheek to have most their birthdays in January, so I tend to take February as a chill out month.
Start Date: 01/01/2007
End Date: 28/09/2009
Days Left: 943 days.
Tasks under way: 6
Tasks completed: 6