MPD – Its not just me!

Its good to know that its not just my non user-friendly tendencies that makes me want to correct MPD’s irritating faults and dispose of his body down the well in the gardens of the Insane Asylum.

One of  the fellow inmates here “Stylee” has been dealing with the guy all day so far, and it looks like the other inmates should start a book on which one of us flips out and kills him first.

It should be interesting the next time he makes it into the Asylum for a meeting.


Why do they never learn?

I am considering hiring a HitMan.

MPD has Just phone me up, disturbing my afternoon nap to ask “That functionality you said in your email that the site had. err How do I get it to work?”

So I start explaining it to him for the 6Th time, while just looking at his code to see if there’s a problem preventing the functionality working, and I spot a small problem, THE TOTAL LACK OF MY CODE.

He’s only gone and overwritten all my work with old copies of the files again!

Vent over, but seriously, If you know any good assassins? Let me Know


Beware Ninja Developers

All is on edge in the Techno Insane Asylum today, I think its just a coincidence that I also happen to have brought a shinai into the office today.

You took a weapon to work?” I hear you ask!

Which tells me two things :-

  1. You don’t know me,
  2. You don’t know developers.

I should also point out that MPD was due into the office for a meeting today, This is the MPD who has on several instances deleted my work. And needs to be taught a lesson.  And let me tell you its very satisfying to walk into a meeting with a customer who has annoyed you carrying a shinai, and answering his quizzical look “This is for a health & safety lecture, on the dangers of deleting a developers work!

Some people seem to want me to hurt them!

I’m not antisocial: I’m just not user friendly!

I’m almost positive he’s doing it on purpose! In fact I am tempted to bring a shinai to the meeting tomorrow and teach the customer, not to mess with me!

I’m working on MPD‘s project. Now it was decided I was only doing the fancy backed magic that makes it all work, leaving a very boring, plane, basic front for a web designer to work his magic on.

That was the theory! only MPD has decided to do the web design himself to save money. He also plans on doing all future updates/tweaks to the code. Now on the whole I am in favour of the customers looking after their own sites once they are finished. As long as they know what they are doing, alas MPD has no skills in web design/programing/IT, But its all ok, He’s going to learn as he goes (and theres a two week going live turn around on the new system)

So, I have two weeks to write a full, multi user, multi site site, all complex stuff, and while I am doing this, he is writing the style and content on the same site i’m working on. And I’m sure he’s trying to see if he can make me explode.  Some examples :-

Last wednesday I turn up for work, open up his site and stare blankly as all my links, and options are gone. Nothing, blank screen. Well that should be “apparently a blank screen” for all the data was there, it was just written in white writing on a white background. So quick email to the bloke asking basically “WHY?” to which it takes several follow up emails to point out “everything’s now white?” it really did take several emails.

Last Friday I refresh the form I’m working on for it all to vanish, well the labels were there, just all the data entry bits were gone. Now this time I was more prepared for it and checked, and sure enough it was there just invisible.  Turns out he’s writing the style for IE and it does not work on other browsers.

No wonder their old developers quit.


Why oh Gods, Why?

So we have a new customer, lets call him “MPD“.

Simple job (in theory) He’s fallen out with his web designers/holders and needs his site putting up somewhere else,  (or he split from company and wants to go into competition, I did not ask which). Now he had a copy of his site, and database, so it just needed uploading, and tweaking so it could pretend to be dozens of different companies… Easy!

OK, data uploaded, db converted from access to mysql, testing site…. Part doesn’t work. Checking… OK we missing loads of tables, inform MPD and get “oh, didn’t i give you latest version!” new DB got, uploaded…

So yesterday afternoon MPD came into the Insane Asylum under pretense of getting a quote for a site re-write. But no! all afternoon spent going over code “tweaking things” since the code is not a live version and has bugs. And its written by the person who hid the bible code in the bible.

At one point i spent 2 hours trying to find a file in use to fix one problem, only to find out MPD had put wrong values in.!!! Arrrggghhhhh!!!!

Then this morning, MPD phones up again to say the site mysteriously stopped working since it was fixed day before. After checking, i notice the files have a timestamp on them of midnight, so i check he did nothing to them “no i done nothing.!” “no i done nothing” “oh. you mean change things, yes i did that

MPD only uploaded code copy from his laptop overwriting my changes!



Tech Support – How Can We Help You?

Every so often I like to entertain myself by logging into the Support system and scanning the pending requests. And Occasionally offering words of wisdom to the support technicians.I just spotted this one and thought I would share (personal details ***d out for security).



Many thanks

My Suggestion would be to turn off her email account, that way noone can mail her, I could send her a sensible sugestion on spam filtering, black/white listing, and such, But alas I think I’m dangerous and she requests no emails from any undesirable and dangerous people.