CyberSecurityChallenge Cipher – Walkthrough

After seeing all the people posting on Twitter/Facebook/Blogs how they have solved the cipher challenge on the CyberSecurityChallenge website when all they have done is take the first step, I thought it might be nice to post a small walkthrough to give some pointers, help, and show them that first impressions are not always correct.

Only read on if you have stopped trying to solve the puzzle yourself, or if you just need a push in the right direction. AKA, here be spoilers.


Britain’s Got Computer Talent.

On Monday the 26th July 2010 the UK Minister for Security Declares Cyber Security Challenge UK Open.

The Cyber Security Challenge is a series of national online games and competitions that will test the cyber security abilities of individuals and teams from every walk of life. It is designed to excite and inspire anyone considering a career in the cyber security industry.

The Challenge will identify talented individuals capable of becoming part of the UK’s cyber security profession now and in the future.

Why should I participate?

Participation in the Challenge offers three fantastic opportunities:

  1. The Challenge will award more than 30 superb prizes. These will include:
    • Places on the Detica Academy
    • Funded or part-funded places for masters-level university security courses
    • Funded security courses provided by SANS Institute.
    • Memberships of trade bodies and professional associations
    • Professional mentoring sessions
    • Time on the CREST penetration test rig
    • Delegate passes to industry conferences
    • An internship at one of the UK’s premier security companies
    • Prizes will be allocated based on individuals’ ambitions and the stage they are at in their career.
  2. The Challenge will provide participants with the opportunity to use world-class technology and facilities that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  3. It will also provide a way for individuals to meet with, work with, and learn from some of the UK’s most prominent organisations in cyber security, education and politics.
    Those who demonstrate excellent levels of skill and talent will be exposed to potential employers who will look favourably on anyone who can perform well throughout the Challenge.
  4. The Challenge offers an opportunity for all participants to publicly demonstrate their cyber security skills and build their reputation with peers and potential employers as the UK’s most talented security experts.

The first challenge to get yourself started with is up here

Get playing!.

And Now for Something Completely Different

Time seems to be flowing a lot faster than normal these days, I swear I only have to blink and several days have flown past. For example I was considering writing this post Monday, I blinked, made myself a cup of Coffee and its now Thursday Friday? Anyway, here goes the actual post :-

Its been a few years now since I have done a “what I did the Weekend” style post. And I’m feeling nostalgic for reasons you will discover by the time you finish reading this post, so here goes for old time sake.

What I did The Weekend.


The Next Hope

To all of you lucky enough to be at The Next Hope this weekend, I wish you a great time, and a curse of boils (I want to be there).

For those who are there, remember to download the Hope App to your phone,(iPhone, Android, macOS, etc) all free from the relevant AppStore. For those with normal web enabled phones you can use

For those of us unable to be there (And those there as well) the guys from Radio Statler will be streaming the event, the talks, plus extra content.

So Everyone should have a good weekend.

And hopefully the hotel will be saved and the next hope will not be the last hope (especially with the last hope being called the last hope it would get too confusing.)

If anyone see’s the 2600 guys remember to give thanks.

Night Watch – A snippet

Greetings & Salutations faithful Reader.

I have not posted anything for a while as I’ve been working on a project that I hope to post more information on later.  I just bounced on here to post a Rant about how a large group of people are seeming to be hero-worshipping that cowardly, criminal Raol Moat.  Only I do not want to subject your delicate sensibilities with the words and language I would use to describe them.

So instead I will simply post a snippet from a short story I wrote called “Nightwatch”

[01:35 AM]

It’s so dark, I can hardly make out any details out there, other than the odd tree the only landmarks I have are the bushes. And I can’t trust them since they keep moving. I know it’s just my nerves, and stress, but it’s not my fault, I never intended to be in this situation. Three hours they said, I’d only be out here alone for three hours. Anyone can cope for three hours, even I could cope alone in the dark for that long. If only the scenery would stop moving. It would make my life easier, if things just stayed where they were and stopped moving every time I blinked.



Now I didn’t imagine that, well ok, I must have imagined it, but what does it say about the state of my mind. Seeing it once, could be put down to nerves, tension, to something. Surely it can’t be normal for me to see it again? But there it is, just on the edge of my vision, a naked man just to the side of a bush. Ok, calm down, he’s not really there, it’s a trick of the light. Yes, that’s it, just a trick of the light. Just like when I was small, the monster in the closet was never really there, it was just the way the light shone through the window, and the shadow it cast off the curtains.

I’m really starting to loose it now…